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Call today to schedule a tour! Tours are held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings by appointment only.
We provide a flexible daily schedule in a combined classroom for children ages 3 through 5. Our program is open to all children.
Pre-K 3's
3-Day (M, W, F 9-12)
5-Day (M, W, F 9-12 and T, Th 9-12:30)
September through May
On Tuesdays and Thursdays children will have lunch from 12:00-12:20. Lunch is brought from home.
To enroll in Pre-K 3, children must turn 3 years old and be potty-trained by the first day of school.
Along with exploring our enriched, themed curriculum, our Pre-K 3's will spend the year developing their social skills, independence, and problem-solving skills. The children will learn to express their ideas and feelings through various creative experiences.
Pre-K 4's
5 Days (M, W, F 9-12 and T, Th 9-12:30)
September through May
On Tuesday and Thursday, children will have lunch from 12:00-12:20. Lunch is brought from home.
Our Pre-K 4 students enjoy exploring our enriched, themed curriculum. There is also a focus on Kindergarten readiness within a play-based setting. Children will work on literacy skills, math concepts, and science exploration.
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